
Peter Hansen Intuitive Angelic Channeler and Mentor.

Peter is a globally acclaimed intuitive channel, Angelic Channeler, Mentor, and Ascension guide. He is working with Archangel Gabriel, the Seraphim, Jesus, Sir Lancelot, and others and has selflessly devoted himself to serving everyone at this pivotal time. With his extensive experience and deep understanding of divine consciousness and guidance, Peter will guide you in communicating and living in a higher-dimensional new world of quantum energy.

Peter Hansen Psychic Angelic Channeler and Mentor is a fantastic embodiment of the divine masculine and divine feminine, intelligent and humble, kind and supportive. He is an Ascension Guide and Mentor of the highest caliber, and he truly wants to help you shine your light nice and bright. He is well known for his abilities as an accomplished Psychic Angelic Channeler. He utilizes his unique connection with Archangel Gabriel, Jesus, and other Ascended Masters.

Testimonial from An Unforgettable Evening Event with Angelic Messages and Activations in Tulsa, Oklahoma:

“What I noticed immediately was Peter’s sincerity.  Then I found myself inspired by his life choices. It’s apparent that he’s chosen to align with the guidance from his inner Being, from on high, and to share Truth that is universal but not that commonly accepted.  He’s a great example of being true to the Self and therefore true to humanity, and also someone who shares with purity.
There are many who talk a good talk; it’s a rare joy, however, to find someone who lives and breathes their teachings.”

Ivy Norris
Doctorate of Divinity
Holistic Health Counselor


The Future Of Living

Mentorship – Working one-on-one with Peter Hansen, Intuitive Angelic Channeler, Pure Channel, Ascension Guide & Way-shower.

We reach a point in our spiritual journeys when we transcend the need for instruction and begin to desire empowerment. At this time, the greatest gift is guidance that illuminates the path toward one’s own intuition. Peter harmoniously embodies both the divine masculine and divine feminine, providing clients with exactly the gentle guiding force needed for this journey within.

This journey toward the north star of one’s own intuition is not completed overnight. Peter is wholeheartedly dedicated to guiding clients through each exquisite phase. His profound mentoring abilities make clients feel safe as they bravely venture into full integration with their highest vibrational potential.

Peter’s abilities are multi-faceted. He possesses the intuitive vision to provide clients with answers and solutions to specific situations and the ability to cultivate the healing power within his clients, strengthening their belief in themselves and the radical power of our universe and the collective. After working continuously with Peter, clients will find that they no longer need to seek any external sources for answers — they can access their inner wisdom and calibrate their energetic fluctuations. Beyond this expansive experience, Peter works with clients to remove any limiting beliefs and outdated programming that no longer aims to expand into one’s limitless truth.

As we grow into our multidimensional selves, we are called to rely so much on what we cannot see, on feelings that are just in their infancy, and on a sense of trust in our spiritual intuition that is continuously challenged by societal projections. Peter possesses the extremely rare gift of soothing and comfort during the most challenging internal storms of our spiritual growth. This sense of protection is invaluable and a vital element of this journey.

Utilizing his ability to protect, nurture, and empower, Peter provides one-on-one services ranging from isolated sessions to in-depth 3 – 6 months mentorship or longer programs. Peter can meet each individual exactly where they are and offer exactly what is needed, whether occasional sessions to move through energetic plateaus and help elevate one’s perspective or regular healing work and the steady cultivation of a customized, continuous spiritual practice.

Peter’s promise is the mentorship that strips away any fear and ultimately delivers each client to his or her inner teacher.


Mentorship Package A - Peter Hansen Psychic Angelic Channeler and Mentor

Mentorship Package B - Peter Hansen Psychic Angelic Channeler and Mentor

Peter is a living Christ incarnate. He fully embodies Divine frequencies and radiates them out 24/7 in a way that is a constant blessing to anyone who has the opportunity to receive his services. Because we are all One, he is constantly blessing the entirety of humanity, the whole world, and even the cosmos! I am so inspired by his complete devotion to the Divine in himself, in his clients, and in all life. 

He blesses his clients with a beautiful variety of gifts and abilities that are uniquely applied to each according to their needs and desires in any given moment. 

The most powerful and healing attribute he offers is pure, unconditional Divine Love, which infuses all that he offers. There is also a Divine Power in his Presence, which always guides one back to the most fundamental Truth that we are all expressions of God; we are already whole, complete, and perfect; we are One with All Life, and in Essence, we are Love. There is a beautiful Graciousness in how Peter shares his Presence, and he always listens deeply and responds accordingly.

I love Peter’s clear multidimensional connections with ArchAngels, Angels, Masters, and other Divine Beings that reside in other realms. They all bring countless Blessings, Guidance, and Support to his clients. On a practical note, Peter is very professional in handling his business and absolutely the most punctual person with whom I have ever had sessions.

Overall, Peter’s sessions have been deeply clearing, healing, enlightening, inspiring, empowering, uplifting, loving, and transforming. 

Infinite Gratitude, Love, and Blessings!

Tempril – Mentorship Client

”Wow,” what can I say about Peter Hansen? There aren’t words to describe how he makes me feel during our sessions, and the transformations I’ve had over the last few months and continue to have are out of this world and so magical. I started my Mentorship in November last year (2020), and I’ve been Guided & Supported and opened up to my gifts & talents like Never Before. He makes me feel so Comfortable & Unconditional Loved ~ Blissful. I AM so grateful for him & this Experience; it TRULY has been life CHANGING. Peter is Unconditional Love. I Highly Recommend Mentoring and booking a session! Peter Hansen is AMAZING!
Sincerely, with Love Jillie, Virginia

“Getting mentored by Peter will accelerate your spiritual ascension beyond what you think it will. I thought I would accelerate fast… BUT NOT TO THIS DEGREE. I actually see the world more angelic in the most literal sense possible. (I’m starting to shift to heaven on earth – at a fast rate)

With Peter, I conquered a karmic celestial pattern I didn’t even know I had. After I did, I slept for 16 hours and woke up to an “angelic earth.” Not only that but when I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked obviously different (prettier, more vibrant, etc.). I was shocked.
I told Peter the next day, and he immediately wasn’t shocked. It was more or less a reply of “welcome to heaven on earth”… and to enjoy myself and to be proud.
I didn’t think that certain things held so much power over our personal lives. IMAGINE.. just doing something that Peter told me was a huge blockage.. that I honestly didn’t even think was an issue in my life (because we normalize things) .. but how much it really blocked me … Peter knows you more than you know you … and what you have to do. He’s able to embody you in a way you probably can’t comprehend yet… but he’s going to tell you like it is .. LOOK. I have been on my spiritual journey for 5 or so years and have met many spiritual gurus and teachers… but Peter is the only person I’ve met that is THE REAL DEAL. Sure, I’ve met people who can see your energy… who can talk to your higher self, are clairvoyant, etc, BUT NOBODY HAS EVER EMBODIED the god source in them in its entirety as Peter has.
I’ve realized that every spiritual person I thought was an expert still had a lot of egos attached. Before I saw Peter, I had intended to meet somebody who would teach me how to kill my ego … and Peter is, without a doubt, your guy. If you don’t know.. once you kill your ego, or shall I say live and embody your higher self … everything comes to you easily and effortlessly (SERIOUSLY), and all the blockages are released. PETER IS YOUR GUY. I’m telling you. I’ve been starting to embody my higher self, and I cannot tell you how much love, lightness, happiness, and joy I feel on a daily basis. I cannot even begin to express to you how your life will turn a full 360 in a matter of sessions with him… I have also learned how to honor my dark and have learned how to release and let go. I THOUGHT I knew how to before.. and thought I was doing it … but I am forever grateful to have a mentor who has been through it all so I don’t have to go through my “dark night of the soul” for years …
His wisdom and embodiment of unconditional love and god source is something every human needs on this planet. I bought TWO mentorships to see him multiple times a week. I tried to buy more… but like I said Peter knows you… he doesn’t do it for the money.. he declined any more sessions further because he knew what I had was enough… I’M TELLING YOU HE’S THE GUY TO GET YOU TO HEAVEN ON EARTH AND TO EMBODY YOUR HIGHER SELF. Which is ALL you need”.
-Glynis (Mentorship Client), Texas.


Mentorship Review - Peter Hansen Psychic Angelic Channeler and Mentor

Higher Self Embodiment

An intensification of light and pure consciousness enters the planet, creating a powerful shift within the dimensional grids on Mother Earth, in you and me, and in the collective. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and consciously choose to embody your higher soul self, your sovereign self, remembering the reason and purpose for being here at this magnificent time, and re-learn what being awake truly means—ascending and becoming the conscious creator you are meant to be.

Are You Ready to Experience Full Integration with Your Highest Vibrational Potential?

Mentorship Program Benefits

A Mentorship with Peter is an inner transformational Journey with a powerful guide by your side. The key focus is keeping up the client’s vibrational frequency. Sacred divine integration. Learn life-changing protection techniques and countless unique support tools to sustain your high vibes and get back up when confronted with challenging situations.

I truly believe in this approach, a mentorship of consistent multidimensional guidance, and I keep seeing its profound impact. Unique, organically customized one-on-one in-person, phone, or Skype sessions – distance is not an issue.

 Book Individual Sessions

Schedule an intuitive angelic channeling or angelic energy healing session with Peter Hansen Intuituve Angelic Channeler and Mentor

5min Self Love Affirmation Meditation by Peter Hansen Psychic Angelic Channeler
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Peter Hansen Psychic Angelic Channeler of the year 2022

Voyage LA Interview: Hidden Gems - Meet Peter Hansen, Intuitive Angelic Channeler and Mentor.
Voyage LA Interview




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