Upcoming Travels and Events

Upcoming Travels and Events

Welcome to my upcoming travels, workshops, and public events. This page is where you can stay updated with what is happening event-wise in the near future, where you can find me, and where I can personally guide you on your spiritual journey.

As an intuitive angelic channeler, healer, mentor, ascension guide, and way-shower, I am deeply passionate about all things spiritual. I meet many beautiful souls who share this passion, and sharing my gifts in this way brings me immense joy. It allows me to connect with a wide range of extraordinary people like yourself, and seeing the profound results of each channeling is a gift in itself. I would love to see you at one of my upcoming appearances.

Upcoming Events - Peter Hansen Psychic Angelic Channeler and Mentor

A whole week of Channeled Live Quantum Conversations - Peter Hansen Intuitive Angelic Channeler and Mentor

Join us for our upcoming Channeling Week:

Dear Soul Family,

Get ready for a special week of live shows where you can interact with the hosts and participate in Live Q&A. I will be live with you all on July 30 at noon Pacific/3 pm Eastern. This event is 100% Free, and you need to register.

It is a unique angelic experience with unique questions and topics in listeners’ hearts. Now is your chance if you have not been on one of these fantastic live streams. Prepare questions and join Peter Hansen, Intuitive Angelic Channeler, and Lauren Galey at this event.

The LIVE Quantum Conversations with Lauren, Peter, and AA Gabriel are for listeners interested in spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and discovering one’s higher purpose in life. 

I look forward to seeing you,

Love and gratitude,


EVENT REGISTRATION - Peter Hansen Intuitive Angelic Channeler and Mentor

Quantum Conversations Channel Panel


Mastery Empowerment Course: Being Divinely Guided with Peter Hansen

Excitement with venturing into the unknown, and always being guided, where to go and what to do, who to interact with, in the quantum field.


Saturday, August 3rd at 12:00 pm Pacific, 3:00 pm Eastern, 2:00 pm Central. 

Mastery Empowerment Workshop $33.00


Dear Soul Family,

You are invited to join me live online for our upcoming Mastery Empowerment Course, “Being Divinely Guided.” This Spiritual Ascension Course will run for two hours on Saturday, August 3rd, at 12 pm Pacific, 3 pm Eastern, and 2 pm Central.

“Being Divinely Guided” is about experiencing excitement in venturing into the unknown and always being guided—knowing where to go, what to do, and who to interact with in the quantum field.

I am excited to share and channel the wisdom of Archangel Gabriel alongside Lauren, who is co-hosting with me in this transformative, engaging, and interactive MEC workshop. This is a rare opportunity for a special invitation to deeply connect with the divine, immerse yourself in divinely channeled consciousness and guidance, explore communication, and live in a higher-dimensional new world reality. I will deliver channeled frequencies and wisdom directly to the hearts of all participants, fostering a profound and personal connection with the divine.

The following are the topics we will cover:
– Learning to trust and listen, allowing the answers to come to you.
– Embracing a new way to be, love, and operate.
– Aligning with destined meetings/encounters; acknowledging that nothing happens by chance.
– Ability to value ALL relationships, regardless of length or composition, promoting unity consciousness.
– Embracing timeless existence with no rush or worries.
– Conscious collapse of labels/words/concepts into energy and frequency.
– Deciphering and identifying the higher vibrational guidance in your head space.

EVENT REGISTRATION - Peter Hansen Intuitive Angelic Channeler and Mentor

I am committed to creating a nurturing and inclusive environment where we share and develop in a unified, unique way. I actively encourage LIVE Questions with Channeled Answers to the group as we journey through the topics together. This is not a passive experience but a dynamic and empowering one that will activate and challenge the status quo while ensuring everyone feels heard, valued, and part of a supportive community.

I hope you can make it,
with Love and Gratitude,


Mastery Empowerment Course: Being Divinely Guided with Peter Hansen

Excitement with venturing into the unknown, and always being guided, where to go and what to do, who to interact with, in the quantum field.

Life Force Energy Illumination in-person workshop with Peter Hansen, Intuitive Angelic Channeler and Mentor, channeling Archangel Gabriel in this live event.

Discover the profound impact of your light quota on your surroundings, vibration, consciousness, and frequency. Realize that your higher vibration influences everything. You are not just triggering some but inspiring others with your light.  

Experience the unstoppable collective ascension as higher and higher-dimensional light frequencies fill our world. This beautiful transition can be confusing, but this Workshop will clarify and help you navigate and thrive, finding happiness and a new heart-centered purpose in your daily life.

“Being a light worker and trailblazer means sometimes breaking or bending the old “rules.” This means finding alternative ways to navigate, accessing parallel realities and timelines, and using multidimensional consciousness.”

Join this interactive 2-part Workshop, where you’ll have the unique opportunity to learn from an extraordinary channel and spiritual guide. This Workshop is about embracing spiritual growth and self-discovery, focusing on navigating the New World by cultivating a mindset of conscious awareness and embracing our untapped infinite potential.

Let’s explore:

  • Life force energy radiates bright through the eyes. One must embody the pristine connection to the soul source within to activate and cultivate it.
  • We navigate relationships, unconscious behavior, and programs internally and externally displayed in others. 
  • And much much more…

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Sign up for our interactive 2-part Workshop today. Whether you take the courses independently or together, they will assist each other in your spiritual growth. It’s not mandatory but highly recommended for a more comprehensive experience. This is your chance to step into a new level of self-discovery and spiritual growth.


Stay Tuned For More Info









Peter Hansen, Intuitive Angelic Channeler with a Russian Sea Eagle on his arm in Denmark
Peter Hansen, Intuitive Angelic Channeler with a Russian Sea Eagle on his arm in Denmark



The Aum Nation Member Peter Hansen Psychic Angelic Channeler and Mentor