Enjoy Uplifting and Enlightening Recorded Workshops with Archangel Gabriel channeled through Peter Hansen, Intuitive Angelic Channeler and Mentor.
When clicking on the courses below, you will be taken directly to my page at the New Earth One Network (newearthone.com), where you can securely purchase and download the lectures.
When you visit the New Earth One Network page, please note that the first video you’ll see is not the workshop itself; it’s actually the introduction to the Mastery Empowerment Course. Simply click on the ‘Mastery Empowerment Course Order Now’ button, complete your payment, and the course will be emailed to you right away.
If you are dedicated to expanding your heart, mind, and consciousness, these channeled courses will fully support your spiritual awakening and ascension process.
This Mastery Empowerment Course is a beautiful journey from start to finish. Divine messenger souls, co-creating, activating, and sharing all our might in a sacred heart group setting. The 2-hour interactive crystalline light DNA activation offers a timeless opportunity to upgrade anyone drawn to this light-encoded material, expanding one’s frequencies and vibration.

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